I think the real problem with minor changes in the wind ruining your race is that you drive too close to the limits of the car. I personally can't wait for dynamic weather and track conditions as that will force you to leave a margin of error.
The league part is totally valid though. Maybe ad a setting to group servers under same weather rotation.
Or he could have sent it to a friend who wasn't really a friend and put it on the net.
Do you realise that that merc looks like it was driving quite fast. It's not so easy to break a car in half. Maybe he was speeding, or just driving too fast in the circumstances. The road is wet so he really should have slowed down. The driver put HIMSELF in a position that he couldn't handle. HE knew the consequences...
My only point is that you shouldn't get your panties in a bunch over something that's posted on an internet forum. Especially in a topic about Rebecca Black.
You are the one who blew of your top with that pic of the crashed car. You started talking about the feelings of others.
That's the point. You didn't blow your top because of the sad looking guy who might have not wanted his face all over the internet. You did about the car. So you've got double morals.
So, it's ok to make fun of peoples appearances but not about car accidents?
Talk about double morals...
Before you start talking about fatalities in the accident. What if the guy in the picture got so depressed about his face being posted all over the internet he killed himself? Could have been a private picture from a hacked account.
My friend had a car break in half in an accident. Luckily he was not wearing seatbelts because the B-post (with the belts) was still attached to the rear while the front seat was attached to the front. Would have certainly been killed if he'd had the belt on.
Is there a sim(ish) game that has the retro muscle cars Mustang, Camaro and Challenger.
Physics engine should be a bit above arcade, so you have to use the brakes. Graphics don't need to be too outrageous. Either net racing or goodish AI. And the important part: You can have mixed races and the cars have some differences.
I know that iRacing has the Mustang but I don't want to pay for a game per month...
Although I did wake up around seven last Friday I didn't have any cereal. As my car has only front seats at least no one was kicking in the back ones. I know exactly which seat I take!
I totally hate you guys for bringing that terrible song into my musical realm.
On to the topic.
The patch sounds interesting. Open configs have been a cruiser's wet dream for ages. So good for them. Racer's get a few new corners to tackle.
Reading about this patch and bumping into the BTCC 2010 season on youtube got me going in LFS again. Can't drive worth s**t and all my sets got lost with reinstalling windows. But it's fun to trundle around with the AI.
With all that he should be extremely slow coming out of the corners, right? Leave a bit of a gap before coming to the corner leading to the main straight. Catch up to him at the exit and slipstream past on the straight. Or if that isn't enough then pass him braking to the first corner after the main straight.
No, it is not. But you have to think about what you are doing, it's not natural.
I have no experience of setupping real race cars, but form what I've heard it's not so different compared to RC cars. Atleast the principals are the same. For an example if the rear of my RC car keeps bottoming out I could do two things. 1: Raise the ride height. 2: Put on stiffer springs.
To do the first one I'd add more pretension. NOT reduce the ride height reduction.
The second one would raise the rear because the stiffer springs wouldn't compress as much as the softer ones and I'd reduce the pretension to get the same ride height. NOT put on more reduction.
So in my mind the way it's in LFS is backwards compared to real life. Atleast real RC life.